Friday, April 26, 2013

Friday Five

  1. I think iPads should have a home button on the long side for when you are using it in landscape. It's awkward to have the button on the left side when I'm using my right hand.... Those people working at Apple can make a smaller version iPad, a larger iPhone, and a nifty light laptop.... But they can't give me two home buttons? (I should design for Apple- I'll submit my resume next week.) 
  2. After being with my students all week, and having a rather exhausting and draining week (more so than just the allergies and pregnancy) I fully believe our full moon last bit had magic power effects on my class. Monday? Normal. Tuesday? Mostly normal. Wednesday? Starting to lose our marbles. Thursday? Marbles completely gone. Today? Closer to normal again.... Strange!
  3.  Our child's stuffed animal collection currently is close to  rivaling my own as a child and I was a stuffed animal hoarder! How can a child who won't even be born for another 4 1/2 months have so many stuffed animals already??? Oh we'll, the child is clearly loved. :-)
  4. I saw my coworker yesterday whose been out on maternity leave, and her most amazingly adorable daughter. She must have been 5 weeks old. And oh my goodness, my heart melting factor went into overload! Put her in my pocket, I'll take her!
  5. I want to do something creative and fun this weekend! I don't want to work on work stuff or work on packing and prepping to move. That's boring stuff. I really want to work on my baby registry, but promised Sean I wouldn't until we're done moving (he calls it motivation!). 
Pizza's here! Husband's home! Time to eat! 

What's on tap for you this weekend?  Enjoy it!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Week 15 Wrap-Up

Weight gained: Since I finally stopped losing weight, I believe I am up a pound or so.  Trying to look into some extra meal plan ideas to help pack on those "healthy pounds"

Symptoms: Besides California allergies?... Not too many to speak of.  A few bouts of round ligament pain this past week during testing, but otherwise it's started to get prety quiet in these parts.  After a rough start with Morning Sickness-- I will GLADLY take the quiet! :-)

Movement: Not yet.  Getting anxious for it though!

Food Aversions: Not too many at the moment.  This past week, onions have not sounded the most appealing, and fish of any kind smells way to strong- but after first trimester struggles, I feel much more like myself in the eatting department. 

Food Cravings: I was craving burgers this way in the worst way! All I wanted was to have burgers for dinner each night. Sean did give in and fulfill my cravings one night with a drive thru at Wendy's, and Saturday night at our family BBQ we had homemade burgers.  Best craving ever! Also, sour cream and avocados-- Oh! and fruit!

Sleep: Sleep has been pretty good.  I am waking up a few times each night, but not for bathroom trips or hunger pains... My allergies have caused me less than restful nights. I wake up with cotton mouth-- bad, and then can't easily fall back to sleep.  I can't take my allergy pills and hormones have left me even more stuffed up... It's a sad sight- I hope my nose clears up soon!

Exercise: Not enough.  I took the puppies for a few walks when I got home from work this week, not very long walks- maybe a mile or so- but walks none the less.  We also had standardized testing at work this past week. (Thank goodness those are only once a year! Holy BOREDOM!)

Stretch marks? Not yet!  Lotion each night or each morning.  I know it doesn't do much, but it does help releave the itching that is beginning to appear.

Miss Anything? Hard cider and sushi! Both are good for me to avoid, but oh my goodness what I wouldn't give for those.... and I miss my allergy meds.

Happy or moody most of the time: I would say.... mostly happy.  There have been a few movie related meltdowns in the last couple weeks, and I have found myself probably a little more snappy than necessary- but week 15 was pretty good on the emotion scale.

Belly Button in or out?  In, and I feel like it's getting deeper each day.... Strange.
Wedding rings on or off?
On, but not at night.  They already ran small, but I feel like they are getting a little bit tighter now...
New Baby Items:
 A Giant's onesie.  Hopefully, big enough to wear at the start of baseball season next year! Also, I took some time this weekend with my MIL to check out a baby boutique (very cute stuff-- EXTRA expensive stuff...) and to set up my Babies R Us registry.  I won a bottle drying rack, and got a bunch of coupons. 

Looking Forward To: My NT scan in 4 weeks. Finally being done with the school year (6 weeks).  And being completely done with moving again for a little while....

Fun and/or Interesting Things from the Week:
  • He/she is about 4 inches long, crown to rump, and weighs in at about 2 1/2 ounces.
  • His/her legs are growing longer than the arms now, and he/she can move all of the joints and limbs.
  • Baby Tooth can sense light. If I were to shine a flashlight at my tummy, baby is likely to move away from the beam.
  • He/she is forming taste buds.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Big News!

So the big news is out!
Like...  Facebook Official!

Starting at the beginning...
How did you find out you were pregnant? We had been working with Kaiser's REI clinic so closely that it was hard not to assume that we had successfully gotten pregnant.  I learned, however, after months of disappointment to never count my "eggs" before they "implanted". I was supposed to go in Monday for a Pregnancy Blood Test, but I couldn't wait another 24 hours without having some idea what the results would be, so... I woke up Sunday morning and took a HPT.
What kind of Pregnancy test did you take? I think it was First Response?
How many? Only the one... I was tired of peeing in cups by that point! :p
What were your 1st symptoms? I started feeling nauseated not long after getting confirmation from the doctors. 
Who did you tell first? Sean, of course!  He was still in bed, and he suspected I had taking a HPT, but didn't want to ask. I finally woke him up enough to tell him it was positive.
Who was with you when you found out? Me. Myself. And I.
My 1st reaction: Shock.  I was definitely happy, excited, and in disbelief. I could hardly believe I was finally seeing TWO pink lines!
Was your baby planned? More than... It's hard to have an 'unplanned pregnancy' when you are working with an Infertility Clinic.
How far were you when you found out? Evidently, 4 weeks.
How did your parents/family react? We told my parents a week after we found out.  My mom was already suspicious and not entirely surprised.  The rest of my family reacted as follows: My dad: "Are you pregnant?! Shut up!" My brother: "What the hell?!" My SIL: "SHUT UP!"  They were all extremely surprised and happy.  We told Sean's parents the next day, they were equally suspicious and equally happy. 
How did you tell your friends? We told friends sporadically as we would talk to them, we didn't do some grand reveal with them, because they don't all live nearby.  Each announcement was perfect and special though.  

Gummy Bear

Due Date: October 13th, 2013
Do you know the sex? Not yet... 
Will you find out the sex? Definitely.  I can hardly wait for the NT Scan at 19 weeks, much less the full pregnancy! Thankfully, Sean wants to know as soon as possible too!  I believe it is still a surprise when you find out at the ultrasound- no reason to drag it out!
Any names? Nope.  We have a few favored names that we bounce back and forth, but no names have really stuck for a girl or a boy....
Were you trying long? We had been trying since May 2012, I was diagnosed with PCOS in September 2012 and our journey with REI began.
Any Ultrasounds? We have had THREE so far!  Each one more amazing than the last.  We had one at 6 weeks. Another at 9 weeks. And most recently at 12 weeks! (Pictures to come later...)

Have you heard the heart beat? At each ultrasound appointment they have been able to find and listen to the heartbeat.  Sean has been to two of the appointments and been able to hear it as well, most amazing feeling in the world!
Who do you think it will look like? No clue... We just hope gummy bear is cute! ;-)
Will the baby have siblings? Only the pups, Drako and Tilly, for now.  Eventually, we will have more babes...
Have you felt the baby move? I don't think so... but I don't really know what it 'should' feel like yet, so maybe?
Random Extras....
How do you feel? In a word: Tired.  I feel much better than previous weeks, and I haven't had too many migraines, but I have been just beyond, unbelievably tired- all. the. time.  I hope in the next few weeks to start getting some energy back.  Also, not being able to take my Zertec anymore has been a killer on my sinuses.  Allergy season is in full force around here lately- they're calling it one of the worst in recent times... Joy...
Do you have morning sickness? Not as badly anymore.  It was really bad during the first trimester (read: only able to keep it together at work- barely).  It seems to be improving though, I am not really getting sick anymore- just when my allergies flare up really bad.
Do you have any cravings? Oh man-- I have had a burger craving in the worst way this week. I had Wendy's on Wednesday night, and then had a burger at our Family BBQ yesterday.  Thankfully, none of my "cravings" have been too strong or required immediate attention....
Do you have any food aversions? So many aversions.  They come and go though, and vary by week.  I have decided to just ride most of them out though, and am assured that my body will tell me when I need to eat something to get any missing nutrients.
Do you have any mood swings? Not too terribly.  However, watching movies has become a dangerous gamble... I have cried (read: sobbed uncontrollably) at the end of the new Red Dawn and Les Miserable... It's pretty pitiful and embarrassing.... Ah, hormones. 
How far along are you now? 15 Weeks exactly!  Only 25 to go.... Crazy!