Saturday, May 4, 2013

Saturday Six

  1. We are up north this weekend for my man.  He is running his FOURTEENTH marathon tomorrow morning... Avenue of the Giants.  It's supposed to be a beautiful 26.2 miles. I don't know what's more annoying... That my husband is in good enough shape to run 26.2 miles, and I'm not... or that an organization has the audacity to call such a torturous event beautiful and amazing.  But I'm just being spiteful, after 4 half-marathons I have come to the conclusion that there is nothing fun about running that far-- I'd much rather take a yoga or Pilates class.
  2. Long car rides are not as fun when you're pregnant. (Not that I've ever been a good car riding companion... I get bored and achey too quickly.) Added with the growing weight of my belly on my bladder and you get many more frequent pitstops.  I feel like I did pretty good this time, I only stopped when it was convenient, and only got super cranky about needing to stop as soon as possible, once!  But it is a new, strange level of annoyance and planning that is required.  Makes me slightly anxious about September when we have to travel to Anaheim for another Disney race, while I am 34 weeks preggo! Yikes!
  3. I'm starting to get anxious to know the sex of our Gummy Bear. All the girls I know who are currently pregnant (with the exception of one) already know what they are having... Only a few more weeks, but still! I'm impatient! 
  4. Only 5 more weeks of school this year.  It's so crazy to think I only have 5 more weeks until I send my babes off to second grade!  They have all grown so much this year (physically and mentally) it's amazing to think of how little, young they were when we started together in August.  Love my little boogers! They've started to notice my belly recently (or at least my parents have started to notice) and it's really cute when they poke my belly and ask when the baby is coming out of there.
  5. I have an healthy obsession lately with ICE water and carbonated anything (water, soda, pop rocks!)... I can't get enough of either each day.  I will hardly drink water during the day (naughty preggo lady, I know) unless it's loaded down with ice, in which case I will drink 3 glasses in an hour... and then do a pretty good pee-pee dance until recess.  
  6. I love looking at the Pinterest Humor Tab.  It provides me with a good couple hours of entertainment... A few of my favorite....




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